"Me the System"

In which we discuss the passing of Abe’s personal congressperson, the civil rights icon John Lewis, get mad about Nikole Hannah-Jones’ insufficiently rosy outlook for Trump’s America, and enjoy with derisive glee Chris Wallace’s weekend interview with the president, among other topics.


Among the many retrospectives and obituaries we’ve seen this week, Fresh Air’s 2009 interview with John Lewis was among the best.

Here’s John Dickerson’s Face the Nation tribute to the civil rights icon, which is in some contrast with the less rosy thing linked below:

Nikole Hannah-Jones is considerably less hopeful. Listen to her full interview with Here and Now here, now.

The Associated Press has decided not to capitalize “white” after recently deciding to capitalize “Black.”

Trader Joe’s is very sorry about their definitely not silly branding exercise that was actually secretly White Supremacist and exoticizing of other cultures.

The Boortz/Tim Bryant/Bob tweet at issue, for the demented out there.

And another recent study (unsurprisingly) suggests that older children spread the virus just as effectively as adults.

A good resource for the mask-skeptic in your life to ignore and mock.

The quintuple-bylined Times story on Dr. Deborah Birx.

You should really watch the entire Fox News Sunday Trump/Wallace interview. Forty minutes of spectacular, spectacular.

Edited to Sound More Obnoxious Than We Actually Are

HAMILTON in the Content Maw