Brain Iron

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"Setting aside all that..."

It’s yet another episode of Cast Iron Brains, a podcast you should share with anyone you know who appreciates life but wants to hear somebody they don’t know react with pointless dismay to the particulars. We bounce the headlines of the week off of one another for a while, and wrap up with a quick trip to Philosophy 101 to find out if Abe would plug into The Experience Machine if given the opportunity. Find us on Facebook or Twitter, or you can send us an email. Enjoy!

Episode Rundown

9:10 —> Colorado grocery store shooting

23:41 —> Is “gun control” possible?

41:20 —> A little more on the “hate crime” narrative around the Atlanta spa shootings

56:57 —> The container ship in the Suez Canal is free! Also, Abe’s coin purse.

1:09:20 —> The Derek Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd

1:11:49—> Does Abe want to plug into The Experience Machine?

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"Setting aside all that..." Cast Iron Brains -- A Podcast with Bob and Abe

Steve Daines has some thoughts on his constituents’ meth-cooking capabilities.

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Volleyball by the volcano!

California House Rep Judy Chu with Chuck Todd this past Sunday.

Abe’s with Cypher—ignorance is bliss.

Here’s the sort of product that Abe carries around with him to contain his coins.

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