Line-Jumping for Joy (and Covid-19 Immunity)

Cast Iron Brains is back with a discussion about the ethical ambiguity of grabbing the COVID-19 vaccine before your own technical eligibility, and some of the rest of the week’s news. Topics include MLB’s decision to move the All Star Game away from Georgia, Asa Hutchinson’s veto of a bill that would make it harder for transgender youths to access medical care, the way some COVID-KNOWERS are insisting that everything is actually terrible and getting worse, and Matt Fucking Gaetz. Enjoy!


Intro —> VAXXED!


20:09 —> WGAS NEWS — MLB moves the All Star Game

35:24 —> CIB talks trans issues for the first time

50:07 —> Janet Yellen wants a global minimum corporate tax

55:36 —> Michael Osterholm and other COVID experts still think the sky is falling

1:09:18 —> Matt Fucking Gaetz

1:17:08 —> Getting weird on the “age of consent thing”

show note TKTKTK

Baseball, Bad Cops, and Wittgenstein

"Setting aside all that..."

"Setting aside all that..."