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Directionless Angst or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Algorithms

Cast Iron Brains is back with an hour of questioning why we spend so much time paying attention to things that don’t matter, don’t make us happy or smarter, and that we absolutely already know are bad for us. What are we even doing here, the podcast asked itself, and the podcast had no answer. If you’d like to get in touch, you can find us on Facebook or Twitter, and you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

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Directionless Angst or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Algorithms Cast Iron Brains -- A Podcast with Bob and Abe

Here’s some stuff me mentioned on today’s show:

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Werner Herzog on the languages he can speak, and the one he won’t.

Bill Maher: “Give it to me straight, Doc.”

Guy on Twitter: Bill Maher and Tucker Carlson are the Same Bad

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Some Person on Twitter: Liberal New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg is an unapologetic anti-black and anti-trans white supremacist

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Me, carefully reading the article from seven years ago, looking for evidence of Goldberg having revealed her inner anti-black, anti-trans white supremacy:

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Media Twitter: Andrew Sullivan is very bad!

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And here’s that crazy Tesla story that has Abe all worried about the coming Robit Wars:

See you next week!