Brain Iron

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Walking the Thin Line Between The New York Times and The Onion

We’re back after a week off for spring break with uncontrollable yapping about ourselves circa 2009, new rawk’n’roll, and how reading the New York Times opinion section sometimes feels like an exercise in separating the satire from the sincere—and plenty else! Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!
Show Rundown
Open — Spring break adventures and reminiscing about the good ol’ days
15:35 — Very brief new music reviews
26:56 — Should the federal government take over baseball?
41:29 — Shanghai’s COVID lockdown
48:10 — Is there a more responsible way to observe human suffering?
1:14:28 — Straight people must not be allowed to copulate without supervision
1:34:20 — The Whitmer Kidnopping Plot, by the FBI
1:39:45 — Wrap-up! Abe goes to the movies, Bob reviews an American classic, a Vonnegut documentary, and Lori forces Bob to watch Netflix’s The Ultimatum.

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Walking the Thin Line Between The New York Times and The Onion Cast Iron Brains -- A Podcast with Bob and Abe

Relevant Linkage
NYT — Inside Shanghai’s COVID Lockdown
NYT — Nationalize the National Pastime
NYT — Straight People Need Better Rules for Sex
NYT — In the Rush to Return to ‘Normal,’ What Happens to the Vulnerable?