Further proof that there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre.

CIB is here to reluctantly yap about the pointless and awful mass murder of people just going about their normal lives in Buffalo last Saturday, and our despondency leaks over into gloomy talk about Chuck Schumer, Ron DeSantis, and everything else wrong with the greatest country in the history of the planet. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!(?)

Show Rundown
Open — Random chatter about anything besides the awful topic at hand
17:40 — Buffalo mass murder by self-proclaimed white supremacist
1:01:55 — Schumer’s bogus abortion vote
1:20:37 — DeSantis signs obviously unconstitutional protest bill into law
1:22:40 — Luna cryptocurrency returns from the moon, journeys to the center of the earth
1:25:07 — Wrap-up! Broadcast News, The Untouchables, Being There, and playoff game sevens.

And, this week, STILL further proof...

The Welcome Return of MAGAnimity to American Politics