Brain Iron

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A Terrific Milestone...For Me To Poop On!

Cast Iron Brains is 100 episodes old this week, and we’re celebrating with an extended rambling on about trains and America’s failing infrastructure before getting to the horrible news of the week, which includes a new party platform from the Texas GOP, the arrest of a dog puppet and insult comic, and plenty of other nonsense. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

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A Terrific Milestone...For Me To Poop On! Cast Iron Brains -- A Podcast with Bob and Abe

Show Rundown
Open — New York City…Good or Bad? Discuss!
15:53 — America’s got travel problems! Also, have we been underestimating Mark Strassmann’s appeal?
22:05 — Trains…Good or Bad? Discuss! And everything wrong with US infrastructure and public transit.
52:17 — Texas’ Republican Party has a new platform, and it’s really quite something.
1:29:13 — Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Arrested! Tucker Carlson demands he and his handlers be sent to GITMO
1:40:59 — WGAS News Bag: Burkinis outlawed in France, Is Google Dying?, and SCOTUS on public funds for private schools
1:54:19 — Wrap up! Lightyear, Web of Make Believe, Mission: Impossible 4, The Music Man on Broadway

Relevant Linkage
Not Just Bikes YouTube channel: Stroads are Ugly, Expensive, and Dangerous…and They’re Everywhere

Texas GOP Party Platform

Daily News: Right-wingers harass Rep. Dan Crenshaw at Texas Republican convention: ‘Eyepatch McCain’

CNN: Production team with 'Late Show with Stephen Colbert' arrested in House building

Associated Press: France rules against burkini swimwear for religious reasons

The Atlantic: The Open Secret of Google Search — One of the most-used tools on the internet is not what it used to be.

SCOTUSblog: Court strikes down Maine’s ban on using public funds at religious schools