Productivity Software Malfunction

Productivity Software Malfunction

We’re back as regularly scheduled with some truly atopical nonsense, including inexplicable and unforgivable ramblings about sweatshirts and how to properly handle egg-load in cartons. We also yap about the weekend gone by in football, the dystopian nightmare of working under constant surveillance, and William Shatner’s mixed feelings about his visit to near outer space. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — Celebrating Culture War Day!
9:56 — The relief of not losing a favorite sweatshirt
17:35 — Shamelessly Stupid Content of the Week: How to Empty an Egg Carton
34:15 — This week’s NFL stupidity that mostly worked out just fine
1:06:00 — Our Bogus Future: New York Times report on productivity surveillance software
1:22:11 — OBF 2: Cadillac’s latch-less glove box
1:29:45 — William Shatner has more thoughts about his rocketship ride
1:39:18 — Wrap-up! Amsterdam, Blonde, Hush, and Incest Dragons

Relevant Linkage
Behold! The World’s Next Supercontinent, Amasia

A good blog: Whoopsie Boom.

NYT: The Rise of the Worker Productivity Score

Variety: William Shatner: My Trip to Space Filled Me With ‘Overwhelming Sadness’ (EXCLUSIVE)

Cadillac Lyriq has a very strange new “feature”

As Rudy Giuliani says, "With Absolute Power Comes Sudden and Startling Wisdom and Maturity"

As Rudy Giuliani says, "With Absolute Power Comes Sudden and Startling Wisdom and Maturity"

The New York Jets Phase of the American Experiment

The New York Jets Phase of the American Experiment