Brain Iron

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Not Locally Real

CIB reappears in your podcast feed as regularly scheduled with thoughts on Gen Z’s emoji anxieties, ill-considered climate change protests, another morally bankrupt Ron DeSantis political stunt, and plenty else. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

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Not Locally Real Cast Iron Brains -- A Podcast with Bob and Abe

Show Rundown
Open — Nobel Prize winners prove that the universe isn’t really real
5:46 — Your emoji use is a hostile microaggression, Boomer
18:42 — Mashed potato and tomato soup art protests
25:20 — When shouting fire in a crowded theater is totally fine
34:03 — Why it’s extra dumb to blame the illegal drug trade on illegal immigrants
39:13 — Ron DeSantis using more humans for strictly crass political ends
51:54 — How can the media possibly make the GOP seem sane by comparison
1:09:14 — Did Mark Strassmann get off a good one?
1:16:23 — What to read this week
1:19:53 — Wrap up! Aftershock on Netflix, Ant Man 11, Moonfall, Incest Dragons

Relevant Linkage

Scientific American: The Universe Is Not Locally Real, and the Physics Nobel Prize Winners Proved It

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The Daily Mail: Why NOBODY should be using the 'thumbs up' emoji in 2022 - and the 10 symbols only 'old people' use that have Gen Z rolling their eyes

CNET: Gen-Z, You'll Have to Pry the 'Hostile' Thumbs-Up Emoji From My Old, Dead Hands

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NBC News: German protesters arrested after throwing mashed potatoes at Monet painting that sold for $110 million

The Independent: Sandy Hook families want Alex Jones to pay up to $2.75 trillion in damages as he seeks new trial

Above the Law: Why Falsely Claiming It's Illegal To Shout Fire In A Crowded Theater Distorts Any Conversation About Online Speech

Reason Magazine: Don't Blame Migrants and 'Open Borders' for Fentanyl Entering the Country

2018 Florida ballot initiative to restore voting rights of convicted felons

Tampa Bay Times: Police cameras show confusion, anger over DeSantis’ voter fraud arrests

Strassmann on CBS News: Harvey Weinstein to stand trial for a second time

Strassmann on CBS Mornings: "This is progress": Environmental nonprofit sets out to restore Florida's declining oyster habitats

NYT Magazine: Bono Is Still Trying to Figure Out U2 and Himself, By David Marchese

VICE: Record Labels Say AI Music Generators Threaten Music Industry

60 Minutes: Dominion Voting Systems CEO speaks out against conspiracy theories

Netflix: Aftershock — Everest and the Nepal Earthquake

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