Another Election Day at the Nonchurch of the Freely Associated Temporary Denizens of The Great Internet Brain Iron

Cast Iron Brains is back—and with a live studio audience!—to yap our way through the news of the week, including conversations about what happens when an anti-woke crusader runs afoul of the dogmatisms of his own cultivated audience, Kyrie Irving’s idiocy, and what to expect from today’s midterm elections, among plenty of other grousing and grumbling. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — Who’s that in the live studio audience? And sports!
14:56 — Wesley Yang tells an anodyne anecdote about being racialized in public, his anti-woke audience calls him a Social Justice Warrior
32:55 — Kyrie Irving says he’s the real Israelite, so how can he be anti-Semitic?
50:43 — Last minute thoughts and expectations on the 2022 midterm elections
1:27:28 — Our Bogus Future is coming, and there will be actual mortal combat
1:30:28 — Wrap-up! HBO’s The White Lotus returns, Hulu documentary on the Falwells called God Forbid

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