Scams with Dogs, and Other Things

Worry not, podcast fans—CIB is here to yap about the news of the week, among much else. The news of the week is so stupid, in fact, that we keep the topical stuff mercifully short and spend most of this episode complaining about Imperial Disney’s synergistic CONTENT MAW manipulations, bad football kicking, and a new spin on an old favorite game. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — Disney giveth us the Mannings, Disney taketh from us the Mando, plus SHHHAAAANNNKKS
18:42 — NFL playoffs talk
29:37 — WGAS Newsbag: The NYT as shitty content farm and lifestyle brand
36:03 — You’re gonna have a take on gas stoves, cause fuck you!
54:28 — Biden classified documents turning up everywhere
1:04:35 — George Santos, perpetual worst
1:09:26 — We are not yet talking about Zbiotics and alcohol
1:09:55 — Our Bogus Future, Elon Musk’s Broken Promises Edition
1:21:10 — Wack Shit or Wacky Shit, Other Peoples’ Podcasts Edition
1:44:30 — Wrap-up! PLANE movie, Blood Simple, John Wick, The Last of Us

Relevant Linkage

Awful Announcing: The Mannings are in disbelief over Brett Maher’s extra point struggles

Things not to click from the New York Times: Is It Bad to Drink Coffee on an Empty Stomach? Your gut is adaptable, experts say, but there are a few facts you should keep in mind.

Bloomberg: US Safety Agency to Consider Ban on Gas Stoves Amid Health Fears

CNN: White House defends releasing incomplete information about classified documents

Patch: Disabled Veteran: George Santos Took $3K From Dying Dog's GoFundMe

NYT Magazine: Elon Musk’s Appetite for Destruction

If you are, for some reason, here before you’ve listened to the Wack Shit or Wacky Shit game, don’t scroll beyond this Mandalorian season three trailer, or the game will be spoiled for you.

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“Mookie Blaylock’s Podcast”

There is, sadly, no Coming Up Short with Dave Meggett and Chris Calloway. Settle instead for this Dave Meggett highlight.

No Ordinary Year of the Rabbit

No Ordinary Year of the Rabbit

Glory, Glory to Old Georgia! REDUX

Glory, Glory to Old Georgia! REDUX