30 Helen Mirrens Agree, Whatever You're Thinking About Helen Mirren, Just Stop It

While Lori is away the fellas will take CIB into awful new conversational realms, including discussions of shirts-off guys, March Madness, and how everything is social contagion, now. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — COVID comes to CIB, again
10:32 — Abe goes to a birthday party
14:40 — Shirts-off guys: Born or Made?
18:10 — March Madness, YouTubeTV changes, the World Baseball Classic
39:01 — Social contagion in everything, starting with the Idiot on the Field
46:25 — Twitter Files update and misinformation contagion
1:00:49 — Raccoon Dog contagion
1:12:01 — Who REALLY won the governor’s race in Arizona?
1:20:42 — Ben Collins is the only social contagion that matters
1:48:05 — Wrap-up! Inside, Shazam II, Swarm

Relevant Linkage

NBC News: Cuban protests and celebrations mark World Baseball Classic semifinal against the U.S.

Matt Taibbi: Twitter Files #19 — The Great COVID-19 Lie Machine

Reason: Researchers Pressured Twitter To Treat COVID-19 Facts as 'Misinformation'

NYT: New Data Links Pandemic’s Origins to Raccoon Dogs at Wuhan Market

Rasmussen: Most Arizona Voters Believe Election ‘Irregularities’ Affected Outcome

Brain Iron: Not a Rare Breed

CNN: Biden administration demands TikTok’s Chinese owners spin off their share or face US ban

T Magazine: Why Willem Dafoe Can’t Slow Down

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