The Sorts of Stories We Would Tell About Ourselves, Were We Not Ourselves

Cast Iron Brains—the only podcast to survive the Great Podcastaclysm of 2023—has endured so that we might briefly discuss the debt ceiling deal before an expansive discussion about reparations and why we choose to talk about the things we choose to talk about. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — Humiliating social interactions
8:50 — A debt ceiling deal, in principle
19:49 — California takes another step toward reparations; Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, and CIB all have thoughts
49:51 — The Fifth Column podcast compels us to revisit the Glen Kuiper mess, and helps explain why it’s worth discussing at all
1:20:57 — Wrap-up! The Little Mermaid, MILF Manor, and the series finale of Succession

Relevant Linkage

CNN: Here’s What’s in the Debt Ceiling Deal

Politico: White House believes massive Dem bailout may be needed to pass debt ceiling compromise

Brief aside: This is precisely the opposite of the math we discussed on the show. We were apparently mistaken about the number of Democrats that are expected to vote for the deal.

ABC News: What to know about California's approval of recommendations for historic reparations

CNN: San Francisco reparations committee proposes a $5 million payment to each Black resident

The Fifth Column: #408 - It's For Nobody (w/ Ethan Strauss) (Relevant conversation begins about an hour and five minutes in.)

Ethan Strauss: Glen Kuiper Out, Living an Announcer Nightmare

Now We Know

No Sympathy for these Asshats