Regarding Buying Stuff

Sometimes your podcast starts with twenty minutes about expensive shorts and what various mothers think of various hosts, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. We also yap about the latest Trump indictment, briefly consider Pat Robertson, who deserves no consideration at all, and discuss what a piece in The Atlantic about Lara Logan can tell us about our fellow humans, if anything. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — Shorts and moms and other things, unclear why
21:28 — Trump indictment
58:56 — Strassmann on Pat Robertson
1:07:37 — Lara Logan in The Atlantic
1:35:42 — Wrap-up! Transformers, Match Me Abroad, Love on the Spectrum, Indian Matchmaker, Shiny Happy People

Relevant Linkage

Politico: Trump’s 2nd indictment: Read the full document text


The Gist: Blissed Off

Depraved Sickos Getting Their Rocks Off

Now We Know