Brain Iron

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Danse du Petit Tout Étoiles

The last good English language podcast is once again dropping into your feed to poke through the headlines of the week with that charming mélange of arrogance and ignorance that only the hardest-blowing of dilettantes can so wantonly deploy. We’re yapping about how long the national weed honeymoon can last, excessive prison sentences for unpleasant characters, conservatives getting big mad about the only demonstrably good thing they’ve accomplished in a generation, and plenty more. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

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Danse du Petit Tout Étoiles Cast Iron Brains -- A Podcast with Bob and Abe

Show Rundown
Open — A high server at the Taco Mac screws up Abe’s order, and now he’s a weed prohibitionist
22:00 — WGAS NewsBag: Proud Boy goober sentenced to 22 years in jail; McConnell’s brains break on camera; Nikki Haley has a dumb “solution”; Franklin Foer’s new book isn’t kind to the Biden White House; McCarthy offers impeachment hearings to keep government going; Hunter’s an all-time piece and may be his dad’s downfall; Jill Biden has COVID; GOP mad about PEPFAR
1:04:50 — This Week in Football Coach Wisdom, Butch Jones Edition
1:30:31 — In-depth and well-researched CIB NFL 2023 Preview
1:37:21 — Wrap-up! The Equalizer 3; Swamp Kings revisited

Relevant Linkage

PBS: Prohibition by Ken Burns

Harvard Medical School: Cognitive effects in midlife of long-term cannabis use

NLM: Effects of Cannabis on the Adolescent Brain

AP: Proud Boys’ Enrique Tarrio gets record 22 years in prison for Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy

AXIOS: Exclusive book excerpt: Biden fumed to friends after Warsaw speech

NYT: McCarthy Tries to Leverage Biden Impeachment to Avoid a Shutdown

BBC News: Hunter Biden: The struggles and scandals of the US president's son

NYT Editorial Board: Partisan Politics Put a Huge Win for Public Health at Risk

NYT Guest Essay: It’s Not Pro-Life to Oppose a Program That Has Saved 25 Million Lives