Living OJ Simpson's Best Life

Sometimes one just ends up doing a podcast that could be construed as a defense of some seemingly indefensible things, and instead of just deleting it and trying again next week, one realizes that any good faith effort to understand the world will be willfully misunderstood as indefensible by people of less than good faith, so what difference does it make? And, no, somehow this isn’t even about Russell Brand. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — The usual opening pitterpatter
4:20 — Wherein we discuss a bunch of things entirely unrelated to the PTO
38:10 — Hasan Minhaj and his “emotional truth”
1:02:17 — Jann Wenner and his emotional truth
1:35:06 — Strassman in indigo country
1:39:30 — Wrap-up! Hi Steve, A Haunting in Venice, Che and Jost at the Fabulous Fox, football, and Netflix

Relevant Linkage

The Guardian, 2012: Chick-fil-A CEO puts an end to speculation, comes out … as anti-gay — Fast food company's chief answers 'guilty as charged' when asked about Chick-fil-A's stance on gay marriage rights

NYT, 2012: Chick-fil-A Thrust Back Into Spotlight on Gay Rights

CNN, 2012: Chick-fil-A restaurants become rallying points for supporters

Chick-fil-A corporate flack statement, 2012

The Daily Beast, 2015: It’s Time For Gays To Forgive Chick-fil-A

Christianity Today, 2019: Chick-fil-A Stops Giving to Salvation Army, FCA Amid LGBT Protests

NYT, 2019: Chick-fil-A Stops Giving to 2 Groups Criticized by L.G.B.T.Q. Advocates

Chick-fil-A corporate flack statement, 2019

QSR Magazine: These 45 Fast-Food Chains Earn the Most Per Restaurant

QSR Magazine: The Top 50 Fast-Food Chains of 2021

The New Yorker: Hasan Minhaj’s “Emotional Truths”

NYT Magazine: Jann Wenner Defends His Legacy, and His Generation’s

Reuters: Rolling Stone co-founder Jann Wenner removed from Rock & Roll Hall of Fame board

CBS Evening News: How indigo brings together South Carolina's past and present

The Fellas Go to Parti-Gras

The Fellas Go to Parti-Gras

Remembering Where You Were the First Time Someone Asked You If You Remember Where You Were On 9/11