And Now, Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

Cast Iron Brains returns to its rightful place atop your CIB feed with nearly a whole damn hour of yapping about college football before we get to explaining our new daily podcast offering The Morning Press, George Santos getting the boot from Congress, the Billboard Hot 100 Game, and plenty of other silliness. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — Georgia loses to Alabama and FSU loses to the College Football Playoff Committee, chaos reign supreme
55:38 — Introducing The Morning Press
1:07:28 — George Santos is expelled from Congress
1:22:26 — Mark Strassman goes four obits in three minutes, can he Get Off a Good One?
1:28:15 — The Billboard Hot 100 Game takes us back to Twenty-Oh-Nigh-ine, when we were young
1:41:29 — The Distraction dudes are just fine with jailing people they don’t like for saying bad things online
1:48:06 — A very brief mention of the Word of the Year
1:48:32 — Wrap-up! Silent Night, Spirited Away, and A Christmas Story

Relevant Linkage

The Morning Press, a new podcast from the Brain Iron multinational media empire.

The Morning Press for Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Morning Press for Tuesday, December 5, 2023