The View from The Floor (CIB #227)

The Super Bowl is much more than just a football game—it is also one of the last remaining American sacraments, and it is the considered position of this podcast that it is sacrilegious and unamerican to choose not to engage with it, one way or another. If you sinned by skipping the big game on Sunday, your penance is to listen to us yap about all the non-football aspects of the evening. Plenty of that, some of the news of the week, and our usual array of antisocial digressions and complaints. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it by joining the conversation on our Substack or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown and Relevant Linkage can be found on our Substack.

Did the People Demand a King? (CIB #228)

More Like Super Bowl LIX...ASS! (Cast Iron Balls #38)