American Exceptionalism on Proud Display

Maybe you thought HOT PODCAST SUMMER was over. Maybe you thought CIB had burned too hot and too bright through the first few weeks of HPS, and we wouldn’t be back until the fall, after things had cooled down a bit. Not so! We’re back after fighting back a vicious summer cold that robbed one-third of us of our voice and our joie de bloviate, and we’re yapping on about NPR’s insistence that the United States is somehow uniquely terrible in the world and in history, COVID REDUX: DELTA STRIKE FORCE, re-reading Stephen King’s The Stand, and other well-worn topics we’ve discussed into the ground a thousand times before. Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Buy the audiobook of Stephen King’s The Stand on Amazon.
Or buy the paperback or the Kindle version of Stephen King’s The Stand on Amazon.

Brain Iron Dot Com is a (somewhat reluctant) participant in the Amazon Associates program, and we may get a small share of qualifying sales referred to Amazon via these links. Shop local when possible!

Show Rundown
00:31 — American Exceptionalism, as understood by the NPR class
23:27 — Summer vacation blues
29:30 — Revisiting The Stand twenty something years later
43:20 — A breakthrough COVID case in Abe’s orbit, the DELTA VARIANT, and vaccine hesitancy
53:00 — A brief cat story aside
1:00:20 — Fighting misinformation on social media, and how to limit the influence of social media companies
1:33:43 — Abe reviews F9, and we discuss the franchise problem again

Links mentioned in today’s episode:

The financial markets FREAKED OUT about the Delta variant on Monday, according to all the experts:

The markets rebounded on Tuesday, despite no less concern about the Delta variant, by the way:

Losing So Hard You Think You've Won and Winning So Hard You Think You've Lost: The Tokyo Olympics and COVID-19

CIB in the Content Maw -- PKD's UBIK

CIB in the Content Maw -- PKD's UBIK