Losing So Hard You Think You've Won and Winning So Hard You Think You've Lost: The Tokyo Olympics and COVID-19

HOT PODCAST SUMMER rolls swampily along with a discussion of the ongoing Olympic Games in Tokyo, the shortcomings in NBC’s television coverage, and we wonder why—with the vaccine widely available to anyone who wants it—many localities are re-imposing pandemic restrictions. Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown:

Open — Dutch cyclist thinks she’s won, in fact has lost
15:05 — NBC’s coverage leaves something to be desired
31:48 — CIB solves (most of) what’s wrong with The Olympics, World Cup
45:09 — If you’re hosting a big event here at pandemic’s end, ought you make mention of vaccines at all?
54:46 — Mask requirements are coming back, and vaccine mandates are coming. Is this the right way to finally end the pandemic?
1:27:50 — Texas and Oklahoma will be joining the SEC in a few years. CIB intervenes with an obvious solution to (most of) college football’s problems.
1:33:47 — Abe spoils Old, Bob and Lori review HBO’s new Woodstock ‘99 documentary, NPR silliness

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