Body Horror Summer Vacation 2021 Rolling Merrily Along

We’re in the dog days of the HOT PODCAST SUMMER, back after a week off spent relaxing at the beach and interacting with our public. We’re on about bad audiobook productions, Bari Weiss trying to rehabilitate infamous dog-walker Amy Cooper, RACIAL SLURS being hurled at major leaguers in the middle of baseball games, and Simone Biles at the Olympics. A THRILL A MINUTE! Whatever. Listen! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
01:53 — Body Horror Beach Vacation 2021
12:58 — Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary
27:56 — Bari Weiss presents: COOPER v COOPER redux
40:15 — Racism without racism at a Colorado Rockies game
58:50 — Simone Biles pulls herself almost entirely out of the Olympics, and Bob’s got an opinion

If our hatred of Andy Weir’s Project Hail Mary has convinced you that you might like to purchase it, please do so after clicking on this link! Here’s the audiobook we loved so much, here’s the hardcover, and here’s the Kindle edition.
Brain Iron Dot Com is a (somewhat reluctant) participant in the Amazon Associates program, and we may get a small share of qualifying sales referred to Amazon via these links. Shop local when possible!

Head over to for more sweet rawk’n’roll music from the composer of our theme songs.

Here’s Bari Weiss’ column about the Cooper v. Cooper situation. Embedded there you will find the podcast episode.

An investigation has revealed that what was previously believed to be a racism was not in fact a racism. Unfortunately, all the reporting about the instance of a racism has resulted in many people believing that a racism happened, and feeling bad about a racism, this non-racism, and other actual racisms.

Three Friends Beneath One Ceiling Tapestry

Losing So Hard You Think You've Won and Winning So Hard You Think You've Lost: The Tokyo Olympics and COVID-19