How Fancy Peanuts, Men's Health Magazine, and 43 Empty File Folders Herald Societal Collapse

How Fancy Peanuts, Men's Health Magazine, and 43 Empty File Folders Herald Societal Collapse

The podcast you’re most ashamed to listen to is here once again to yap on about fancy peanuts, America’s crumbling infrastructure, dangerously empty file folders, and what, if anything can be done about the problem of the true-believing, good hearted, disastrously wrong MAGA chuds. All that plus RCV in Alaska, a ridiculous Men’s Health advice column, brief thoughts on the latest House of the Dragon, and yet more unrelated nonsense, somehow. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — College football talk
14:11 — The scourge of fancy charity peanuts
21:47 — Jackson, Mississippi’s water problem
33:00 — The existential threat of 43 empty file folders
42:16 — Is there any way to talk to or about the MAGA true-believers without getting all covered in shit?
1:13:40 — Ranked-choice voting takes out Sarah Palin in Alaska
1:17:34 — Navy Seal training is killing applicants, rewarding cheaters
1:22:30 — Men’s Health advice column SEXPLAIN IT is here to break our brains
1:41:07 — Wrap up! Alabama pastor arrested while watering neighbor’s flowers; Honk for Jesus, Save Your Soul; House of the Dragon; Iron Man

Relevant Linkage

One of the only essential bloggings of the entire Trumppening, “Unlike Websites of the Past,” from the good blog Brain Iron dot com.

Mississippi Free Press: ‘Privatization Is On The Table’: Gov. Reeves Gives Jackson Water Crisis Update

Associated Press: Mississippi to receive nearly $75M in infrastructure funding (December 4, 2021)

CBS News Face the Nation: Focus group: Trump voters on the FBI search, 2020 and the midterms

Poynter: Unpacking Tom Cotton’s misleading tweet about ranked choice voting in Alaska

New York TImes: Death in Navy SEAL Training Exposes a Culture of Brutality, Cheating and Drugs — The elite force’s selection course is so punishing that few make it through, and many of those who do resort to illicit tactics.

Men’s Health: Sexplain It: I Don't Care About My Partners' Gender. I Just Want Them to Have a Vagina.

NYT: Alabama Pastor Is Arrested While Watering Neighbor’s Flowers, Video Shows

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