Power, Privilege, and Farcical Aquatic Ceremonies

Power, Privilege, and Farcical Aquatic Ceremonies

CIB trudges enjoyably through the pointless bog of ceaseless coverage of the British royal family to bring you much yelling about the monarchy, even more yelling about a Racism that Wasn’t at BYU, a quick dip into the WGAS newsbag, and a wrap-up of the week in football, among much else. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — #FreeStrassmann, and a Vegas politician kills local reporter.
6:53 — The Queen is dead! Long live the meaningless traditions of bad Star Wars sequels.
38:57 — Duke volleyball player says a racism happened but it appears that particular racism didn’t happen.
1:02:14 — Who Gives a Shit News, the WGAS Newsbag; common browser annoyances, Pregnant lady imprisoned in Alabama for three months for admitting to smoking weed, Flower-tending pastor suing police, Space mirrors to power solar farms 24 hours a day
1:16:34 — This week in college football and NFL viewing
1:37:54 — Wrap-up! Barbarian, AirBNB, Scream 5, House of the Dragon week 4 recap

Relevant Linkage
CNN: Las Vegas administrator Robert Telles charged with murder in stabbing death of journalist Jeff German

Andrew Sullivan on the passing of his Queen: An Icon, not an Idol

NYT: Racial Slur During College Volleyball Game Leads to Fan Suspension

ESPN: BYU says it found no corroborating evidence of racial heckling toward Duke women's volleyball player

AL.com: Pregnant women held for months in one Alabama jail to protect fetuses from drugs

NPR: A Black pastor sues the police who arrested him while watering his neighbors' flowers

Wired: The Mystery of Why Some People Don’t Get Covid

VICE: This Man Is Trying to Put Mirrors in Space to Generate Solar Power at Night

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