"Unmistakable Latin Flavor"

"Unmistakable Latin Flavor"

This week we’re following the National Football League’s lead in appreciating Hispanic Heritage Month, yapping about terrible football games, trying to figure out what the hell is going on inside Lindsey Graham’s head, and wondering why Ron DeSantis is the way that he is, which is very obviously bad. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

Show Rundown
Open — The NFL’s dubious Hispanic outreach strategy, and bad football
34:06 — Lindsey Graham’s proposed 15-week national abortion ban
45:50 — Adnan Syed, made famous by the podcast Serial, is released from prison
50:27 — Ron DeSantis vs. Common Decency
1:10:57 — The Atlantic with an absurd piece on gender desegregation in sports
1:26:16 — The Fifth Column podcast tries to make headway on the RACE DISCOURSE
1:36:47 — The glorious return of Mark Strassmann trying to get off a good one
1:44:04 — Wrap-up! The Woman King, House of the Dragon recap

Relevant Linkage
Check out what THE MACHINES churned out when we fed our logo into the AI image generators with the following prompts:

“Make this logo appropriate for Hispanic Heritage Month”

“Spice this up with some unmistakable Latin flavor”

“just make it more Mexican”

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